District Speech Results

District Speech Results

Urbandale’s Speech Groups had a successful weekend at the District Competition at Des Moines Roosevelt High School, with 10 of our 14 groups getting a Superior 1 rating meaning that they are moving onto State February 3, 2018, at Waukee High School.


Groups Receiving a Division I Rating:

Group Mime (The Game of Pie) -  Sydney Crowley, Logan Ingraham

Ensemble Acting (Regina Flector Wins the Science Fair) - Delanee Ensley, Audrey Krukow, Leah Ingraham, Sanketh Narmnada

Ensemble Acting (Almost Maine) - Jonah Larsen, Anna Perdue.

Group Improvisation - Isabel Daza, Sarah Richardson, Madison Pulica

Group Improvisation - Logan Dodds, Lindsey Ingraham, Olivia Sobek.

Musical Theatre (Into the Woods)- Jenna Brady, Olivia Sobek, Madison Pulica, Kaecee Topolinski, Lydia Burg, Jonah Larsen.

Musical Theatre (The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee) - Emma Schaben, Kenji Bachmann, Emma Johansen, Audrey Krukow, Julianne Ungs, Logan Ingraham, Jenna Booth, Mahayla Claiser.

Musical Theatre  (Rent)- Isaac Bleich-Sisco, Hannah Kuehl, Bryson McGowan, Barnaba Wilondja, Erin Valle, Isabel Daza, Kenny Flory, Megan Eastwood.

One Act (The Internet is Distract...Oh Look a Kitten) - Abi Fisher, Kenny Flory, Jenna Brady, Delanee Ensley, Katie Campbell, Emma Kellogg, Zach Hodgson, Leah Ingraham, Kyel Peterson, Jacob Sammon, Julia Gyure, Cadence Wilder, Anna Kerr, Lydia Burg, Emily Guzman, Devin Ensley, Hailley Stolarz.

Choral Reading (I Was There) - Aleka Hickman, Abi Fisher, Emily Guzman, Jenna Booth, Anna Kerr, Jacob Sammon, Aditya Kotla, Hailley Stolarz, Julia Gyure, Hannah Kuehl, Kerry Munyon, Lindsey Ingraham, Devin Ensley.


Groups Receiving a Division II Rating:


Reader's Theatre (10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse) - Logan Boyles, Kaecee Topolinski, Laura Parsons, Kyel Peterson, Varun Vepa, Anna Perdue, Monica Lewandowski, Cadence Wilder.

Short Film (Perspective) - Keegan Cottington, Varun Vepa, Aditya Kotla, Christopher Becker, Robert Rice, Anne Gage, Jonathan Meyer.

Ensemble Acting (The Disappearance of Daniel Hand) - Emma Kellogg, Logan Boyles, Sydney Crowley.

Group Mime (Drunken Silence) - Isaac Bleich-Sisco, Sanketh Narmnada.