J-Hawks Host Band Night

J-Hawks Host Band Night

The Urbandale High School Band played host to 6th – 8th grade band students from Urbandale Middle School on Friday, October 10th at the varsity football game held at Frerichs Field.  Together the 442 band students performed together during the Pregame Ceremony and throughout the 1st half of the game to support the J-Hawks in a stunning victory over Mason City.


Urbandale’s 5th – 12th grade Instrumental Music program has enjoyed steady enrollment increase over the past 10 years.  Standing at 577 students marks an increase of 34%, or 147 students, since the 2005-06 school year.


Urbandale’s instrumental music staff contributes the steady enrollment increase to rapport-building concerts where younger band students have a chance to share a concert with the band that is a grade older. 


High School Director of Bands, Myron Peterson comments, “High School students have the opportunity to share their enthusiasm with 6th – 8th grade band students at Middle School Band Night in October.  Then again in January the high school students partner with 7th and 8th grade band students in the annual Band Summit to dig deeper into technique on each instrument and prepare a collaboration concert in the evening.” 


UMS 7th – 8th grade band director Daphne Monson states, “Having an opportunity to meet and work with high school band students and the high school directors helps the younger students discover that being part of a great program like this is something they’d like to continue.”